Projects from 2129€

Mosambik, Africa

To volunteer with this marine conservation organization in Africa will bring you to the most exciting volunteer adventure and an unforgettable lifetime experience. You will have a possibility to dive and take part in literally the ocean safari. If you are not a diver yet..

Meeressäugetiere, Haie, Meeresschildkröten – Mosambik


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To volunteer with this marine conservation organization in Africa will bring you to the most exciting volunteer adventure and an unforgettable lifetime experience. You will have a possibility to dive and take part in literally the ocean safari. If you are not a diver yet, you can become one right here! You will experience the wildlife in its natural habitat and will, as a precious marine volunteer, help in collecting a long-term data on megafauna sightings. The information collected by volunteers helps in providing the baseline data about local populations of top predators for their conservation management. You will also volunteer for the community outreach for these majestic marine top predators.


Why volunteer for oceans in Mozambique, Africa?


There are certainly more reasons.

First one is for you: this volunteer adventure program is ‘all you can have at once’.  It is absolutely amazing. Literally DIVE IN for this best marine volunteer experience and conservation program in Mozambique and do something good for these key flag species.

The second one: who doesn’t admire the biggest and most majestic animals in our oceans, like sharks, whales, dolphins, rays, reef turtles? Top predators are bio-indicators and are, with their presence, telling us about the oceans’ health. As a marine conservation volunteer you will contribute to find out about the current state of the marine megafauna in the Indian Ocean. Your work will help to the scientific research and conservation whilst gaining hands on field experience.


MARINE LIFE you will get involved in as a Mozambique marine volunteer

  • Humpback whales
  • Dolphins
  • Coral reefs & protected areas
  • Whale sharks
  • Predatory sharks
  • Reef turtles & Mantas, Rays
  • Microplastics – you will deal with this problematic as well


Volunteering with the top predators you will get involved with data entry, data processing, video analysis and photo identification. Your contribution is important as it brings researchers towards latest knowledge about the megafauna status and calls for the sustainable management.

Lately the volunteer team is involved in the protection of coral reefs and mangrove forests, thus this marine conservation adventure will be conducting also monitoring activities on these two topics. Additionally you will be helping in the community outreach.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1505993209434{background-color: #02ab4c !important;}” el_id=”cta-content”][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text el_class=”cta-text” css=”.vc_custom_1505994359083{margin-top: 30px !important;}”]Get info to volunteer for this exciting megafauna research.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”GET INFO” style=”classic” shape=”square” align=”center” el_class=”green-button” css=”.vc_custom_1508333691316{margin-top: 30px !important;}” link=”|||”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]


Close to the Maxixe, province of Inhambane, Mozambique



Constant enrolment from 1 – 12 weeks


Airport of Arrival:

Inhambane (INH), Mozambique; over Johannesburg (JNB), South Africa


Volunteer Contribution:

Support in data collection of megafauna, community outreach



18 – 60


# of volunteers:

12 International volunteers (mostly from USA, UK…)


Languages spoken:



 Essential info:

To be added.


What is included?


Airport Transfers:

Included. You will be picked up at the Inhambane Airport.



It is in the research basis lodge for volunteers, only 100m from the ocean. The house has two barbeque areas overlooking the beach.



All inclusive, three cooked meals daily, from western food, seafood to local delicacies. For the volunteer convenience they are served in the research basis restaurant.



Volunteers must provide their own comprehensive travel health insurance and in case of diving – diving insurance.


 Essential info:

To be added.




Diving expedition


No dive qualifications are otherwise required.

Up to 4 dives per week are comprised to collect data of the marine megafauna with the researcher and a volunteer lead. In includes data collection of large marine vertebrates, fish on the reefs, pelagic fish, whale sharks and also cetaceans. If you are not a diver you can get your certification on the spot! At least 3 trips per month are covered to our estuary protected areas.


Community outreach in Mozambique

Local community villages trips will be organized for you to disseminate the research outcomes as a volunteer in a popular way and teach people about the marine and ocean’s importance. Even as a marine volunteer you will also be involved in teaching local children to swim. A new, exciting volunteer ‘adventure’, also for you[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner css=”.vc_custom_1505995205335{background-color: #02ab4c !important;}” el_id=”cta-content”][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text el_class=”cta-text” css=”.vc_custom_1505994566883{margin-top: 30px !important;}”]More info on marine megafauna volunteer adventure.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”GET INFO” style=”classic” shape=”square” align=”center” el_class=”green-button” css=”.vc_custom_1508333709739{margin-top: 30px !important;}” el_id=”open-chat”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text] Optional excursions: You can opt to have a guided horseback trip, you can enjoy in different reptile species or you can spot the vervet monkeys. Mozambique is admirable with its coastline, swaying palms, fascinating cultural mix and tradition with all its vibe and adventure opportunities. Therefore before and after your marine volunteer adventure in Mozambique you might want to have additional highlight trips (see below).


Support:  Local in-country team and 24h emergency support

Not included:

Flights, visa (normally volunteers gain a tourist visa), personal expenses, travel, health and diving insurance. Malaria prophylaxis isn’t included: check out with your GP for the recommendations which one to choose best for you.


Minimum Conditions:

  • minimum age: 18
  • participant must be in good physical condition and be able to swim
  • language: basic English
  • interest: enthusiastic, team player, willing to help in marine conservation;

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The project is located close to Maxixe, province of Inhambane, Mozambique in Africa.

As a volunteer at the marine megafauna conservation project you will be surrounded by the top best marine large vertebrates – actually a marine paradise! In your free time you can have a guided horseback trails, you can enjoy in a large variety of reptiles, and even spotting of the vervet monkeys. In the free afternoons you can go out to surf, swim, beach bonfire or relax.[/vc_column_text][vc_gmaps link=”#E-8_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” size=””][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-question” add_icon=”true” title=”About” tab_id=”about”][vc_column_text]



The megafauna marine volunteer project in Mozambique

This sea marine conservation volunteer project is one of the best volunteer experience, be it for the shark volunteer vacation, volunteering on whale and dolphin data collection or ‘diving in’ for a coral reef volunteer opportunity. The dynamics of the local populations is not yet so well understood; therefore this volunteer programme makes your job even more important. You will be along the world leading researchers, diving with them and collecting the important data on megafauna, be it from predatory sharks, sea turtles and rays or volunteer in whale and dolphin watching! Along as a volunteer you will explore the mangroves or freshwater lakes, collect the relevant data for the research reports about their ecological status. You will have the opportunity to volunteer and teach the local children how to swim and to outreach activities to the local community.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-compass” add_icon=”true” title=”Orientation” tab_id=”orientation”][vc_column_text]



Volunteers will receive all the needed information upon arriving to the project. During the meeting the volunteer lead will explain your work roles and explain the actual need for the marine volunteers. You will be finally equipped for your safe and most enjoyable volunteer experience![/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-user-plus” add_icon=”true” title=”Contribution” tab_id=”contribution”][vc_column_text]



You will join this highly exciting volunteer work that helps in collecting a valuable field data collection as part of the research and conservation project. It is essential that top predators like dolphins, turtles, seasonal humpback whales, manta rays, whale sharks and other megafauna are monitored closely to be able to report about overall ocean health.


Megafauna Monitoring

As a marine megafauna volunteer you will participate in taking photo IDs, visit acoustic stations, help studying plankton, help in processing tissue samples, measure large ocean vertebrates and help in monitoring of these majestic megafauna critters.

Dive experience is recommended, but diving certification can be included in your volunteer further experience. All divers will receive a $120 discount. The volunteers are involved in four “ocean volunteer activities” per week, which are usually dives, but can be swopped for ocean safari’s upon the wish of a marine volunteer.


Volunteer for community outreach in Mozambique

Volunteers might visit a local community to execute the outreach program on the importance of preserving the marine megafauna. Also, they are included to experience a village life, teach local children swimming, collect data on artisanal fishermen catch, disseminate scientific and educational information about the marine megafauna, pass on conservation and research documents obtained with the help of volunteers to the interested Mozambique official or unofficial bodies.

Typical Day:

You will volunteer about 8 hours per day, weekends are normally free.

Your volunteer work will start at 7:30h after breakfast. Diving in directly with the lead researcher. If you don’t dive you’ll have data collecting in the snorkeling area and do coral garden expeditions. As a non-diver you might do other activities in the research basis, like opportunistic dissections of found dead animals, prepare conservation material, help in shaping the outreach programme to the local community and similar.  After coming back from the sea you will help in data and image processing. The prepared lunch follows. After gaining some energy you will be going to the whale watching activities and volunteer in data collection of these majestic marine mammals from the land. Volunteers might also go and explore the mangroves or freshwater lakes, visit a local community to execute the outreach program or teach the local children swimming.

Between 15h – 16h your volunteer work day will end and the time is about to start and enjoy the free time activities!   You can relax, enjoy along the admirable long beaches or do some other activities outside the direct volunteer programme, like learn how to surf![/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_type=”entypo” i_icon_entypo=”entypo-icon entypo-icon-signal” add_icon=”true” title=”Living set-up” tab_id=”living-set-up”][vc_column_text]

Living set-up



You will stay in the research basis lodge for volunteers, only 100m from the beach and the magical ocean. The volunteer house has four bedrooms and two bathrooms, an outfitted kitchen and all is daily cleaned. The house has a balcony and the two barbeque areas overlook the beach. Bread, eggs, milk, tea and coffee are provided there.

Sheets and towels are provided as well for each volutneer.



There are shops within a 10 minute walk of the lodge. There is a larger town a 30 minutes drive away with most of the things that you may need additionally.



Three meals a day are included. Meals will be prepared and served for volunteers in a research basis restaurant and they can cater for every dietary requirement. You need to tell about any food allergies or specific dietary requirements as all food is cooked fresh daily. You may wish to bring supplements with you as well.

Alcoholic drinks are not permitted whilst participating in the project.



Free of charge, there is an internet in the restaurant lodge.



There is a laundry service provided for volunteers and is done on a daily basis.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-plane” add_icon=”true” title=”Travel focus” tab_id=”travel-focus”][vc_column_text]

Travel focus


Along with your prime mission to volunteer for marine conservation in Mozambique, this southeast African country offers long beaches, swaying palms, turquoise waters, colorful fish, well-preserved corals, remote archipelagos, pounding surf in the south and dreaming sailing boats. Mozambique is also admirable with its fascinating cultural mix and tradition with all its vibe and adventure opportunities. Some savvy and a sense of adventure is needed and it can bring you to the journey of a lifetime along with the best volunteer adventure which is your goal. Inhambane for example is an attractive city surrounded by palms and magnificent beaches. The architecture reflects an exciting past stretching back to the 11th century. Traders visited here, as did Vasco da Gama in the late 1500s. Later in history port of Inhambane became a major centre for ivory, slave trade and whaling.

For you as a marine volunteer – this can be exciting news – the area is now one of the few where the last remaining Dugong can be seen.

Precautions must be taken with your personal belongings.[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner el_id=”cta-content” css=”.vc_custom_1505994935703{background-color: #02ab4c !important;}”][vc_column_inner][vc_column_text css=”.vc_custom_1505995263687{margin-top: 30px !important;}”]Get your own volunteer adventure experience in Africa.[/vc_column_text][vc_btn title=”LEARN MORE” style=”classic” shape=”square” align=”center” el_class=”green-button” css=”.vc_custom_1505995280960{margin-top: 30px !important;}”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Additional information


2 Wochen, 3 Wochen, 4 Wochen, 5 Wochen, 6 Wochen, 7 Wochen, 8 Wochen, 12 Wochen


Taucher, Nicht taucher

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